Safety comes first, always!
Sicurezza sul lavoro
Igiene sul lavoro
We provide support to all companies with obligations related to Safety and Hygiene in the workplace with particular focus on legal obligations of legislative decree 81/08 and following inclusions and modifications.
On yard where more that one contractor is involved (mechanical, naval, construction etc) all parties are affected by some prominent responsabilities, from the client, wich must designate supervisors and monitor their activity, to professionals, which prepare safety plans and guarantee coordination between yard various activities, to employer and workers which must respect all safety and health rules and apply Safety and operative plans during various stage of the project.
National institute of work Insurance estimated the economic loss that arise from workplace related incidents and professional diseases equivalent to roughly little more than 3% of the country’s gross domestic product.
Analisys and identification of risk factor, with help of qualified tecnichal advisor, allow companies to pursue their activities eliminating or reducing the risk associated with each task to be carried out; this brings to saving costs arising from accidents or occupational diseases, resulting in reduced insurance premiums and higher quality of life followed by absence from work decrease and increase of productivity and product quality.
Elimination or drastic reduction of production stoppages related to findings by the competent bodies allow business continuty for the company
Daily application of Healt and Safety regulations enable to provide more efficient workflows set in a context of planning which reflects the complete vision of the business.
Organization of business with respect to current regulations has exempting account from responsibility for consequencens related to the unlikely event of an accident (Civil law).
National institute of work Insurance estimated the economic loss that arise from workplace related incidents and professional diseases equivalent to roughly little more than 3% of the country’s gross domestic product.
Analisys and identification of risk factor, with help of qualified tecnichal advisor, allow companies to pursue their activities eliminating or reducing the risk associated with each task to be carried out; this brings to saving costs arising from accidents or occupational diseases, resulting in reduced insurance premiums and higher quality of life followed by absence from work decrease and increase of productivity and product quality.
Elimination or drastic reduction of production stoppages related to findings by the competent bodies allow business continuty for the company
Daily application of Healt and Safety regulations enable to provide more efficient workflows set in a context of planning which reflects the complete vision of the business.
Organization of business with respect to current regulations has exempting account from responsibility for consequencens related to the unlikely event of an accident (Civil law).