SIA Service srl | Services to Companies
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Services to Companies

Risk factor analisys

Each job has its potential hazards; We support companies on identify, reduce or eliminate environmental, structural and chemichal hazards for office, site or industrial workers. Risk analisys is the tool that helps employer to identify protection and prevention measures and plan their implementaion and control in order to verify effectiveness and validity. Health and safety risks evaluation is the keystone of general protection measures and is the prerequisite of whole prevention system.

HSE Manager

Appointment of HSE Manger is an employer obligation as per current legislation.

Monitoring of compliance of local regulation on behalf of HSE professional enables employers and business executives to have a valuable contribution in all aspects of safety management.

Partecipation in company organization for safety management as a consultant HSE manager ensure also management of relations whith inspection bodies, occupational physician and worker representative for safety.

There are several benefit in having an external HSE consultant:


  • On risk analisys
  • On allocation of resources for work safety
  • On impartial evaluation of functions which assist on regulations that must be applied

Documents issuing – Operation and Production units

SIA Service deals with issue and management of all mandatory documents each company must have and maintain as per local legislation. Documents can vary depending on types of actiivity but below a non exaustive list of most importants:

  • Risk evaluation Document
  • Fire Risk evaluation
  • Interferential Risk evaluation
  • Manual handling Risk evaluation
  • Chemichal Risk evaluation
  • Safety Plan
  • Emergency and evacuation plan
  • SMS Safety managenet System
  • Safety procedures
  • Safety regulations
  • Support in preparation and issuing of ISO 9000 ISO 18001 ISO 45001 documents also for the purpose of insurance rates reduction

Support for industrial purcahsing

SIA Service through surveys and environmental, structural and physical specific analisys of buildings, structures and industrial areas, can provide useful informations during negotiations and this can be used to do a comprehensive evaluation before purchase which takes account of:

  • Designated use in relation to the identified facility
  • Structural adjustment costs in relation with purchase value
  • Production structures functionality and possible need for adjustement
  • Compliance with mandatories safety standards for structures and systems

We support also on below:

  • Purchase of equipment, systems or machinery
  • Changes and/or refurbishment of workplaces
  • Layout planning for new equipment, systems and furniture

Noise surveys

Among existing risk factors on some Workplaces, noise exposure is one of the most common between those defined as  physical agents. Noise is often undereestimated and nowadays is still one of the main cause of occupational disease often notified and later compensated by National Institutes of work insurance. Long term noise exposure may cause severe effects on workers. Statistically the most significant effect is the gradual hearing loss or “hypoacusia from noise“. Collateral effects however are not limited to hypoacusia but they may have consequences on heart rate, blood pressure, digestive system and can affect nervous system also.

SIA Service can measure noise levels on workplaces in order to evaluate noise related hazards, helping employers in choosing and applying relevant precautions and if necessary, health monitoring protocols by companies occupational doctors.

Comparing measured noise levels with threshold limits defined by HSE legislation a clear picture can be drawn and the need of protective and preventive measures can be better evaluated. Subsequently, in case of exceeding threshold limits, employers can implement the right mitigation methods as specific training, ear plugs or earmuffs and/or sound proofing barriers for machinery or buildings structures.

Vibration exposure surveys

As for noise, also vibrations are included into physical agents risks that can be present on workplaces. Mechanical vibrations occupational exposure can affect HAV (Hand Arm Vibration) e.g. during use of hand tools (jackhammers, grinders, drills etc.) and WBV (Whole Body Vibration) e.g. during driving of vehicles (trucks, bulldozers, excavators, operating machines etc.) and is a risk for workers health and safety; vibrations can cause muscolar, vascular, osteoarticular and neurologic diseases.

SIA Service can measure vibration levels of workers to define daily exposure and compare them with threshold limits defined by HSE legislation; this in order to detemine and provide employers, if necessary, with the right mitigation measures to implement.

EMF surveys

Following EU directive 2013/35 on Electro Magnetic Fields, employer, according to the law, are required to carry out a a risk assessment for workers exposed to EMF (physical agents) as defined by legislation threshold limits. Action of EMF on biological systems is induction of charges and electrical currents through the body but it has been proven that they may also cause pacemaker malfunctions as well as other electronic devices or even moving metal magnetic implants that can lead to possible health damages althogh only with very high field strengths involved.

SIA Service can support employers to determine potential occupational exposure and applying preventive and protective measures.

Manual handling risk evaluation

Manual handling occurs in most work environment and includes all activities related to lifting, laying, pushing, pulling, carrying o moving a load. Manual handling is considered a physical agent risk and can result in fatigue and lead to injuries of the back, nec, shoulders, arm or other body parts

Two groups of injuries may result form naual handling:

Due to sudden, unexpected events such incidenti

Cuts, bruises, fractures etc.

Due to gradual and cumulative wear and tear through repetitive movements

Damage to musculoskeletal system (muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, joints, blood vessels and nerves)

These  injuries are called “muscoloskeletal disorders”

Work- related low back pain and low back injuries are the most common kind of muscoloskeletal disorders caused by manual handling and are one of the main reason of absence from work for many activities. It has been estimated that almost 25% of European union workers suffer from low back pain and 23% from muscle pain.

SIA Service conduct detailed evaluation on manual handling using NIOSH method to determine daily exposure of each single worker and asses possible reorganization of work or implementaion of manipulation equipment like lifter or handling machines to reduce or eliminate stress on lumbar spine, prevent absences from work and in some case also expedite production workflow.